Our Early Career Teachers programme is fully funded by the Department for Education. The DfE also pays funding directly to schools for the time ECTs and mentors need to attend training and mentoring sessions.
The DfE will cover the cost of ECF-based training if you choose a training provider like us to deliver it. Schools and establishments eligible for ECF funding from the DfE include:
- state-funded schools, colleges, sixth forms, children’s centres and nurseries
- maintained and non-maintained special schools
- independent schools that receive Section 41 funding
The DfE makes proportionate funding payments for ECTs who:
- are on a reduced induction period
- are serving a part-time induction
- move to a new school or withdraw from induction during year 2
- take parental leave
Funding in year 1
ECT funding
Schools receive their core funding through the dedicated schools grant (DSG) but this funding is not specifically set aside to support ECT training in year 1. Headteachers must manage this core funding to cover 10% of ECT time off timetable in year 1 of induction.
Mentor funding
Schools in our area receive a backfill payment of £856.93 per mentor to cover 18 hours of mentor training during the first year. This payment is made in the summer of year 1 following the commencement of training.
Funding in year 2
ECT Funding
The DfE pays schools £1400 per ECT to support 5% of time off timetable in year 2. This is paid in the summer of year 2.
Mentor funding
The DfE makes a payment of £1,000 per mentor for 20 hours of mentor support in year 2.
Schools in our area also receive a second backfill payment of £856.93 per mentor where they have demonstrated sustained engagement with the training. This covers the additional 18 hours of mentor training during the second year and is paid in the summer of year 2.