Intensive Training and Practice (ITaP)

Information for Schools


What is ITaP?
ITaP offers a low stakes approximation of practice for trainee teachers. Trainees must engage in 20 days of ITaP throughout the course, with the intention being that they're able to solidify their understanding between research-based theory and practice, focusing on essential pedagogical approaches.


How is ITaP delivered?

As of 2024, each ITT provider has to include ITaP in their course, in line with statutory requirements. Theory, resources and core training are provided by the ITT provider and their delivery partners, but practical aspects of the ITaP are provided through school visits, lesson observations, digital approximations and the trainees' own deliberate practice.


How can schools support ITaP?

If you have trainees in your school, aim to understand the goals and aims of each ITaP and provide the trainee with the best opportunities to put their learning into practice. Whether you have trainees or not, your school can provide school visits, experiences or deliver training based around an ITaP theme. School visits could be focused in certain phases or subjects in your school and you could host one trainee or a larger group!


What are examples of ITaPs?

ITT providers may choose varied pedagogical approaches as a focus for ITaP. Some typical themes are: building routines, responsive teaching, scaffolding, modelling, questioning and supporting learners with SEND. 


How does an ITaP look in practice?

There are typically five stages to an ITaP: introduce, analyse, prepare, enact and assess. All of these elements are supported through expert delivery by training providers and observable practice in schools.


What are the benefits of hosting trainees for a school ITaP visit?

ITaPs are a great way to promote the excellent work you are doing in your school, particularly if you have areas of strength you wish to celebrate and share. It shows a commitment to supporting the development of trainee teachers, and is also an excellent opportunity to showcase your school to potential employees.


Want to know more about ITaPs and how your school can support?

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