Frequently Asked Questions

Take a look at our frequently asked questions below. If you have any further questions, we’re happy to help - please email us at or call 01603 733443. 

How are the NPQs assessed?

The new and reformed NPQs are assessed using an open-book case study, over a period of eight days, to be flexible around your commitments. This will take place within 3 months of the NPQ sessions ending. It is marked on a pass/fail basis, and if you do not pass you will have an opportunity to take part in the next assessment. It is an opportunity to show how you would apply your learning on the course in a school scenario. 

What if I do not have a Teacher Reference Number (TRN) to use in my application?

You do not need to have qualified teacher status to undertake all NPQ programmes, however you will need a Teacher Reference Number (TRN). If you are interested in an NPQ programme and want to check whether a TRN is required, please do get in touch.

If you work in an eligible school role and are not a qualified teacher, you can still apply for a TRN to use in your application. You do not need to hold qualified teacher status to have a TRN.

However, you must have received your TRN from the DfE before you start an application to undertake an NPQ programme.

Guidance from the Department for Education (DfE):

"To request a TRN you’ll need to send a secure email to the Department for Education (DfE) using the email platform Galaxkey.

You must include your:

  • full legal name, and any previous names if applicable
  • date of birth
  • National Insurance number, if you have one
  • address, if you live outside of the UK
  • proof of identity – attach a photo or scanned copy of either your:
    • passport
    • driving licence (full or provisional)
    • certificate of residence
    • birth certificate

Create a Galaxkey email account (to open in a new tab right click the link) and use it to send your email securely to You must use an email account that you’ll not lose access to, such as a personal email address. Add "Request TRN" as the subject of your email.

DfE will respond by email with your TRN within 5 working days. Look out for replies from DfE, including your spam folder, as we may need to check some of your details before allocating you a TRN."

Do I need to stay in the same role and school throughout the course?

No, the NPQs are designed in such a way that any learning can be carried across. Unlike the old-style NPQs, there is no school-based project for assessment.

If you do change school during your course, it is important to let us know for Department for Education funding and administrative purposes. We can advise on next steps.

I have a question about NPQs not answered here. Who do I contact?

If you have any questions about our NPQ programmes, or would like to know more, please contact us on 01603 733443.

Does it matter which lead provider I complete my NPQ with?

All our NPQ programmes result in the same qualification, regardless of which lead provider you complete your programme with. All NPQ courses are based on the DfE framework. We have partnered with multiple lead providers to maximise the available number of funded places for participants.